Vendor Resources

Information for Vendors

About Our Program

NYSWDA solicitations assist Weatherization subgrantees and NYSERDA low-income residential programs in obtaining bulk purchase pricing benefits while maintaining the quality of materials used in weatherization services.

Pricing established by this program is effective for one year unless otherwise noted. Bid is open to vendors approximately two months prior to the bid cycle start date.

Bid Type                                         Solicitation Open                   Annual Bid Cycle

NYS Multi-Program Bulk Purchasing Solicitation


Effective April 1– March 31

NYSWDA uses a web based electronic software package called BidSync. For instructions on how to access BidSync and create an account please download the documentation available below. Once an account has been created, vendors can search for “NYSWDA” bids. Additionally, the BidSync system automatically matches your classification code with upcoming bids and sends you a notice via email or fax.

In order to participate in NYSWDA bids, vendors will be required to review instructions, terms & conditions, general specs and warranty and delivery requirements, complete appropriate documents, and enter their bid. Vendors will also have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the bid through a Q&A section within BidSync. Once complete, vendors print hard copies and supporting documents to send directly to NYSWDA. Vendors are notified of the bid release by email, if you wish to be added to our list contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

NYSWDA encourages participation in all our bids by MWBEs and small businesses. NYS MWBEs must be registered with the Empire State Development Corporation. NYSWDA strongly encourages out of state MWBEs to become certified with NYS as well. If your company is not currently certified, contact NYSWDA. We can help with this process.

Still have questions?? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Lila Laguna at 518-690-0494.


pdf 2018 2019 Important Bidding Notes

By 1032 downloads

Download (pdf, 323 KB)

1. 2018-2019 Important_Bidding_Notes.pdf

pdf 2018 2019 Multi Program Bulk Purchasing Solicitation

By 1109 downloads

Download (pdf, 432 KB)

3. 2018-2019 Multi-Program Bulk Purchasing Solicitation.pdf

pdf 2018 2019 NYS Building Performance Materials

By 1138 downloads

Download (pdf, 346 KB)

6. 2018-2019 NYS Building Performance Materials.pdf

pdf How to Place an Offer

By 1313 downloads

Download (pdf, 465 KB)


pdf Refrigerator Freezer HWH & HPHW AC Bid package 2017 2018

By 1323 downloads

Download (pdf, 739 KB)

Refrigerator Freezer HWH & HPHW AC Bid package 2017-2018.pdf

Using BidSync

By 2877 downloads

Download (docx, 260 KB)

How to Place an Offer.docx