Coded by location: Syracuse-blue / HVCC-green / Erie-red / Regional-yellow / WEB-purple
Training Calendar
Weatherization Assistant Software Training / WESTERN REGION
Training location: NYSWDA's Training Center - 5869 Fisher Road, East Syracuse, NY 13057
Course Description;
Beginning July 1, 2025, the New York State Weatherization Assistant Program will be transitioning from the current TIPS auditing software to the Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistant, which encompasses small buildings, mobile homes, and multifamily housing, This training will provide the step-by-step process for modeling client housing using data collected during the audit process and provide insight into reports generated by the software. Client usage, modeled load, comparative analysis of heating degree days to actual useage, and savings-to-investment ratios will all be part of the process of creating a workscope custom-generated to each home.
April 8-10, 2025 / 9:00am - 5:00pm
Class Size;
Joe Maggiore -NYSWDA
Course Fees;
$500/person - NY Weatherization Sub-grantees
Course fees do not include lunch
CLASS FULL - call or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for availability or wait list