Coded by location: Syracuse-blue / HVCC-green / Erie-red / Regional-yellow / WEB-purple
Training Calendar
Boot Camp
Training Location: NYSWDA Training Center (Building 2) - 5869 Fisher Road, East Syracuse, NY 13057
Who Should Attend;
Entry level field staff and weatherization contractors - see detailed below.
Course Description;
This intensive 4-day training based at NYSWDA's Energy Efficiency Training Center (Building 2) in East Syracuse, is a great introduction to building science principles and hands-on air sealing, dense pack and loose fill cellulose insulation installation. Using our state-of-the-art realistic wall, ceiling and attic props, trainees will learn the techniques needed to effectively weatherize our clients' homes.
During this course, the trainees will be introduced to both HCR and BPI standards and regulations on Health & Safety, Lead Safe work practices and safe and proper use of tools and equipment. Trainees will also become proficient on the set up of blower doors and understand basic use of an infrared camera during air sealing operations.
All three HCR mandatory trainings are covered in this course:
- Air Sealing - mandatory for WX directors, energy auditors, post inspectors, crew chiefs and crew personnel
- Health & Safety - mandatory for WX directors, energy auditors, post inspectors, crew chiefs and heating technicians
- Lead Safe Weatherization - mandatory for all employees who may come in contact with lead based paint while performing their duties
Please reference the WAP Policies and Procedures manual for further details. The above-listed trainings are mandatory for the positions stated. If a subgrantee hires a new employee into one of these postions, or a current employee transfers into one of these positions, it is mandatory that they receive this training within six (6) months of their start date. These mandatory training sessions must be repeated every three (3) years by subgrantee personnel who occupy these positions.
Day One
9AM-9:20 Lunch Orders and intro’s
9:20AM 10:15 Health and safety presentation until worst case
10:15AM-10:30AM Break
10:30AM -Noon- Split group into 2 groups to conduct worst case depressurization and combustion safety testing in pressure house. One group to do blower door set up with hoses and manometer.
Noon-1PM Lunch
1PM-4PM Remainer of health and safety power point
Day Two
9AM to 10:15AM LSW power points
10:15am-10:30AM Break
10:30AM-noon LSW power points and videos
12PM-1PM Lunch
1PM-2:30 PM LSW power points and videos and lead safe test
2:30-4PM LSW hands on activities including Making of an I door, Vertical enclosure and PPE and showing of the positive pressure system
Day Three
9AM-10:15 AM (Finish, if necessary any material not covered from Day 1)
10:15-10:30AM Break
10:30- 12:00 PM Air sealing presentation
12;00PM-1PM Lunch break
1PM-4PM Air sealing hands on activities group will be split into two. Balloon framed wall discussion and techniques and drill wall. Group 2 will work on the balloon frame wall and the rim joist spray foam.
Day Four
9AM- 10:30AM Finish up any remaining Power points
10:30AM- 12PM Hands on activities to include recessed light enclosure chimney air sealing and Insulation lab presentation
12PM-1PM Lunch
1PM-2:30PM Switch groups and repeat the above material
2:30PM-3:15PM questions/ graduation and dismissal
Course covers the dates of April 7-10, 2025
Start Times: ALL DAYS - 9:00am
End Times: ALL DAYS 4:00pm
Other Notes:
Due to the nature of the training, all attendees will be required to sign a waiver of liability and a photo/video release form at the start of the training.
Prerequisites: None
Class Size: 10
Instructors:, Joe Ilacqua, NYSWDA
Course Fees;
$950/person - NY Weatherization Sub-grantees
$950/person - affiliate members
$1,450/person - non-members
Lunches are included for each day.
**Special note - if you wish to become an Affiliate Member, and save off the non-member rate, please contact Karen McMahon (315-701-0440 ext. 223, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) BEFORE YOU REGISTER for the course.
NYSWDA will not be responsible for hotel costs, travel to and from the training, breakfast and dinner meals, or incidentals.