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BPI Building Analyst Professional

Training Location: NYSWDA Training Center (Building 1) – 5869 Fisher Road, East Syracuse, NY 13057

Course Description:
Building Analyst training provides the foundation of building science through the framework of an audit process to understanding the "how's" and "why's" of building issues: ice dams, mold and indoor air quality. It is the quintessential "house-as-a-system" in what goes on in building durability, comfort and energy usage.

This five day course provides an understanding of the BPI Building Analyst Standards through classroom studies and in-field activities. The in-field portion of the class will provide hands-on training with gas appliance testing, blower door use and set-up and proper and accurate combustion appliance zone testing in the state-of-the-art NYSWDA Pressure House and Heating Lab.

The class is followed by a review of the BPI standards and the 100-question (2 hour) Building Analyst test. After the trainees successfully complete the written portion of the test, we will schedule them for the Field test.


Monday - Building Science Module

Tuesday & Wednesday:
Mornings - Auditing Module
Afternoons - Heating Lab Modules
Afternoons - Pressure House Modules

Thursday - Building Math Module

Morning - Standards Review
Afternoon - Test

Who Should Attend:
Building Auditors, experienced Crew Chiefs, anyone looking for BPI BA Certification

Course covers the dates of September 19-23, 2016

Start Time: Monday-Friday 9:00am
End Time: Monday-Thursday 5:00pm / Friday test starts at 1:00pm with 2 hours to complete

None - although it is highly recommended that attendees have a strong construction background. If not, we recommend that attendees first complete our introductory courses in Heating Systems and Chimney Fundamentals and Small Homes Auditing.

Class Size: 8

BPI CEU: 7.25

Al McMahon, NYSWDA

Course Fees; 
$507/person - NY Weatherization Sub-grantees  
$725/person - affiliate members 
$1,450/person - non-members and private contractors 

For information on becoming an affiliate member, please contact Drew Ehrlich in our Guilderland office (518) 690-0494 or at

NYSWDA will not be responsible for hotel costs, travel to and from the training, meals or incidentals. Lunches are ARE NOT included.
(Financial assistance may be available from local NYS Department of Labor One-Stop Centers)

BPI Fees;
$250/person - 100-question written BA test
$500/person - Field test

 CLASS FULL - call or email  for availability or wait list 

Location NYSWDA Training Center - East Syracuse