Coded by location: Syracuse-blue / HVCC-green / Erie-red / Regional-yellow / WEB-purple
Training Calendar
Training Location: NYSWDA Training Center (Building 1) – 5869 Fisher Road, East Syracuse, NY 13057
Course Description:
This four day course, which includes classroom and heating lab sessions, will prepare you to take the BPI Heating Professional written and field tests. Using NYSWDA's state-of-the art Heating Lab, attendees will train on 15 of the most common residential heating systems, from 70% efficient atmospheric furnaces to 90%+ efficient two-stage ECM blower furnaces. Additionally, trainees will become knowledgeable on gas and oil-fired hydronic boilers, their controls and components. Attendees will be introduced to system load and sizing concepts, system design, duct system diagnostics, and proper maintenance and efficiency analysis. This is a challenging course, and as such, NYSWDA strongly recommends that attendees hold BPI Building Analyst certification and have strong HVAC experience. After the trainees successfully complete the written portion of the test, we will schedule them to return for the field test. Candidates have one year from the time they pass the written test to complete their field test.
Day 1: AM - classroom / PM - Heating Lab
Day 2: AM - classroom / PM - Heating Lab
Day 3: AM - all day labs
Day 4: AM - review / PM - written test
Who Should Attend:
Auditors, Building Analysts, HVAC professionals
Course covers the dates of September 26-29, 2017
Start Time: Tuesday-Friday 9:00am
End Time: Tuesday-Thursday 4:00pm / Friday test starts at 10:00am with 1 1/2 hours to complete
Prerequisites: BPI Building Analyst certification
Class Size: 8
Adam Harris / Lead HVAC Instructor/trainer
Other Notes:
Trainees lacking HVAC experience are strongly recommended to attend NYSWDA's entry-level HVAC trainings. Please refer to NYSWDA's training calendar or contact Adam Harris for additional training information.
Course Fees;
$507/person - NY Weatherization Sub-grantees
$725/person - affiliate members
$1,450/person - non-members and private contractors
**Special note - if you wish to become an Affiliate Member, and save 50% off the non-member rate, please contact Drew Ehrlich (518-690-0494, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) BEFORE YOU REGISTER for the course.
NYSWDA will not be responsible for hotel costs, travel to and from the training, breakfast and dinner meals, or incidentals. Lunches are ARE NOT included.
(Financial assistance may be available from local NYS Department of Labor One-Stop Centers)
BPI Fees;
$200/person - 50-question written test
$500/person - Field test
Click here to register