Diagnostic Pressure House

A scale model house with 700 square feet of working space provides students with an opportunity to observe all of the major construction details used in residential housing. It features the typical problematic areas facing homeowners when it comes to improving energy efficiency. It is a unique structure and the only one of its kind in the country.

  • PressureHouse1
  • The house features a kitchen, 3 bedrooms, a full bath, basement, and garage and incorporates common details of balloon framing, platform framing, cantilevered rooms, walk-in attics and cape cod knee walls. Throughout the house, prime areas for air infiltration have been identified and leakage can be simulated through the use of electrically actuated dampers. This allows our trainers to set up an infinite number of combinations of air infiltration for students to identify and correct. The Pressure House was developed through the funds made available from New York State Homes and Community Renewal and the New York State Energy and Research and Development Authority.
  • PressureHouse2
  • PressureHouse3